How To Play UNO Card Games Rules

how to play uno

Once you get the hang of it, the rules of Uno are straightforward. We’ve also thrown in a couple of common house rules to spice things up a bit.

UNO is a fast-paced card game played in a manner similar to Crazy 8s, with the addition of special cards that increase the level of excitement. UNO, like another game developed by the makers of UNO called Phase 10, is recommended for children aged 7 and up, but younger children can also enjoy the game as well. The game can even be used to reinforce the concepts of numbers and colors.

The Aims And Objectives

The objective of the game of UNO is to be the first person to play the very last card in one’s possession. The requirement to yell “UNO!” when you are down to your last card adds to the excitement of the game. When multiple games are played, the winner is determined by the player who has the lowest score.

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Setup Instructions For The Game

The dealer is determined by shuffling the deck and drawing a card from each player’s hand. The dealer is the player who has the highest number on their card in their hand. If a player draws a special card that does not have any numbers on it, such as the Wild card, the player should place that card at the bottom of the deck and draw a new card from the rest of the deck. The players who draw the same high number should return the cards to the deck and continue drawing new cards until one player draws a number that is higher than the other (s).

Following the selection of the dealer, each player is dealt a hand of seven cards. The remaining cards are dealt face-down to the table. The “draw pile” is a collection of cards used for drawing. It is the dealer’s responsibility to take the first card from the draw pile and place it face-up beside the draw pile. The card that was drawn is placed in the middle of the draw pile if it is a Wild or Wild Draw 4 card, and a new card is drawn from the deck.

Unless the first card flipped over is a Reverse card, the player to the dealer’s left is the first person to play a hand of blackjack. The Reverse is considered active even if a player does not participate in it, so the person to the dealer’s right would be the one to act.

When playing multiple hands of UNO, a common house rule is to alternate dealers, with the dealer moving to the person on the left in a clockwise direction from the last dealer after each hand is completed. An alternative to drawing for the highest card when playing with younger children is to allow the youngest child to be the initial dealer, which is a good idea when playing with older children.

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UNO Rules On Braille

The Game Object

Be the first player to lose all your cards every turn and win points for your opponents’ cards. Points increase throughout rounds, and the first player gains 500 points.


  1. Remove from the deck the four Quick Play Reference Cards.
  2. Each player chooses a card; the player with the highest number (counts any action card as zero).
  3. The dealer shuffles and handles 7 cards to each player.
  4. Set the rest of the deck to form the DRAW pile.
  5. The top DRAW stack card is turned to start a DISCARD stack. The person who turns the card over calls the type of card. E.g. “Blue 7.” NOTE: If any action cards are turned on to start up the DISCARD pile, see Special instructions for FUNCTIONS OF ACTION CARDS.

We’re going to play

The Individual On The Left Begins To Play.

On your turn, you have to match a card with your hand, either by number, colour or action on the top of the DISCARD stack (see FUNCTIONS OF ACTION CARDS).

EXAMPLE: If the Blue 7 (Braille b7) card is on the DISCARD pile, then the player has to fill a Blue Card OR any 7 colour. The player can also put down a wild card (See FUNCTIONS OF ACTION CARDS). Players must yell out the card each time a card is placed on the top of the DISCARD stack. Example: “Green 9 play.” Example:

You need to choose a card from the DRAW pile if you do not have a card that matches the DISCARD pile. Announce you draw from the drawing stack. If you can play the card you have picked up, you are free to play it on the same turn. Otherwise, the following individual will be played in turn.

You can simply NOT choose to play your hand with a playable card. If yes, draw a card from the DRAW stack. If you can play it, you can place it in the same spin, but you can’t play any other card on your hand after drawing. You can request a “card check” at any point in the game and all players, including you, must announce how many cards they have in their hands.

A player can always touch the top card of the discard pile to check the card in play.

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Action Card Functions

Draw two cards (Braille: b+2, g+2, r+2, y+2) – The next player must draw two cards when you play this card and miss their turn. You can only play this card in a matching colour or with another Draw Two card. When the game starts, the same rule applies.

Braille: brv, grv, rrv, yrv) – Reverse card. If you play this card, the direction is the opposite (if play is currently to the left, then play changes to the right, and vice versa). This card can only be played with a matching colour or a different Reverse card. If you turn that card at the start of the game, the dealer initially goes, then play moves to the right rather than to the left.

Skip card (Skip card: bsk, gsk, rsk, ysk) The next player gets “skipped” when you play this card (loses their turn). You can play this card only in a matching colour, or on a different Skip card. The player to the left of the dealer will be “skipped” if a Skip card is activated at the beginning of the play, so the person to the left of the dealer will begin to play.

Wild card (Braille: wi) – Wild card. You can choose the colour you continue to play when you play this card (any colour including the colour in play before the Wild card was laid down). On your turn, you can play a wild card even if you have another playable card in your hand. If a Wild card is created at the start of the game, the dealer’s left person decides on the colour of the game.

Draw 4 cards (braille: wi+4) – Wild Draw 4 card. You can choose the colour that continues to play the next player, MORE the next player must draw 4 cards from the DRAW stack and lose their turn. But there’s a hitch! You can play this card only without having a card matching the COLOR on your DISCARD stack in your hand (but it is acceptable to play this card if you have matching number or Action Cards). When you turn up at the start of the game, return this card to the deck and select another card.

NOTE: If you feel you have improperly been playing a Wild Draw 4 card (i.e. the player possesses a matching card), the player could be challenged. The challenged player must disclose or permit the challenger to touch all the cards in his hand. If convicted, instead of you, the challenged player must draw the four cards. However, if the player challenged is innocent, you must draw a further 2 cards PLUS 4 cards (total 6)!

Go Out Go

When you play your next card, you must shout, “UNO” (meaning “one”) and then the kind of card that you play. For instance: “UNO,” and then “Red 5 Play.” This shows you just have one card left. You have to draw two cards if you don’t cry out “UNO” and you are caught before the following player starts their turn.

When a player doesn’t have any cards left, the round is done. Points (see SCORING) are scored and play is resumed.

If the final card played in a round is a Draw Two or Wild Draw Four card, the next player should draw two or four cards. When the points are totaled, these cards are counted.

The first player in a round to lose his cards obtains the following points for all cards left in the hands of his adversaries:

All cards number (0-9): Face value draw 2: 20 points Face value draw

Reverse: 20 points 20 points

Skipping: 20 points.

Wilderness: 50 Points

Four Wild Draw: 50 Points

When the round score is matched, if the player has not reached 500 points, rewrite the cards and start a new round.

The WINNER is the first player to reach 500 points.

Scoring and winning alternatives

Another technique to score points is to keep a record of each player’s points at the end of each round. The player with the lowest score is the winner if a player reaches 500 points.

Reference Cards for Quick Play

Four Quick-Play Reference Cards are on the deck and each illustrates a basic procedure to play UNO®. Keep them in the vicinity.

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